The classification characteristics of drone interception technology must be known! (1)

Author:SZMIDTime:2023-04-11Update Time:2023-04-11

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Classification and current status of drone interception technology.

Anti drone interception technology (also known as anti drone technology) refers to the system technology used for drone interception. In recent years, the government has become increasingly concerned about the potential safety threats posed by drones, as they may pose a serious threat to civilian and military facilities. In fact, new markets for anti drone technology are also rapidly emerging.

In September 2017, the Finance Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security and the Special Police Equipment Quality Supervision and Inspection Center of the Ministry of Public Security conducted on-site measurements of drone detection and interception equipment in Lianyungang. There were 122 sets of equipment in 91 domestic units, which were divided into detection (radar, optoelectronic) systems, wireless detection and positioning equipment, suppression (directional or omnidirectional) interference equipment, deception interference equipment Damaged (network capture or laser) equipment and integrated systems of the aforementioned technologies.

Unmanned aerial vehicle anti communication interference technology.

In unmanned aerial vehicle countermeasures communication, it is usually impossible to completely suppress external interference and feature parameters that are the same or similar to useful signals when receiving useful signals, resulting in uncertainty when the communication receiving system detects useful signals. By utilizing this feature, interfering signals can interfere with the signal, forcing the drone signal receiver to obtain less useful information in order to achieve interception.

Due to the many hazards of drones, drone interception technology has emerged. Among the existing interception methods, radio communication interference technology is widely used due to its obvious interception effect and small incidental damage.

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